Key competencies:
- Intelligent systems for oil and gas production processes
- Reclamation of hard-to-reach oil and gas deposits
- Research into natural processes, behavioral modeling of natural objects and complex engineering systems
- Complex solutions for predictive analytics of systems and processes
- Processing and interpretation technologies for geophysical borehole studies
R&D for new technologies and new markets:
- Creating new technologies for effective reclamation of limited, hard-to-reach and alternative natural resources (mineral and renewable)
- Digital oil field
- New equipment for development and extraction of oil and gas in problem areas
Creating and implementing digital twins of production processes in hydrocarbon mining
Geology and development of new methods and technologies for enhanced oil recovery from dwindling resource fields
Implementing digital technologies for automation and management of production processes
Training students according to the company requirements through practice-oriented approach
OLGA, Tempest, and Petex software training
Study programs informed by development trends of oil and gas industry in Russia, as well as international practice
Performing research and technological development work and using its results in education
Innovative scientific work which discovers and studies new instruments, technologies, solutions, and trends for enhancing companies’ efficiency
Hands-on skill practice accomplished through Engineering Simulator and other programs
Organizing cross-disciplinary work teams where several specialists cooperate to solve problems and create competence-based synergy