About the centre


Perm Research and Education Centre "Rational Subsoil Use" was founded as a part of the national «Science» initiative in accordance with Presidential Decree № 204 «On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024».

REC goals and objectives

The goal is to create an eco-system for enabling technological breakthroughs in the field of mineral resource management due to the potential of the proactive and talented youth of Russia.


  1. Integration into international science and implementation of best practices
  2. Concentrating on priorities and attracting key leaders of industry
  3. Activation of new mechanisms of inner cooperation of science, education, and business
  4. Renewal of research facilities and education infrastructure
  5. Building a platform for research, company-made solutions, and innovation infrastructure.



Perm Centre is managed by the supervisory council, the international scientific and technical council, and the governing council. This management model allows to manage the centre’s capacities efficiently, attract key scientists and world-class experts, expand collaboration with educational facilities, and provide the transparency of the decisions made.


Operating principles

The activity of Perm Centre is based on cooperation of research and education institutions, technology companies, and industrial partners. This cooperation provides development and transfer of technology in mineral research management.